Hurricane Flossie…

Flossie will be passing just south of the islands or so say the weatherfolk. My Mom lives on the Big Island and is more likely to take the brunt of Flossie than I am, but one just never knows. Flossie could veer north and into islands. I guess more will be revealed, but in the meantime, here’s an image from NOAA.
NOAA Flossie Track
Already on the Big Island the decision has been made to close schools and we are currently in a declared state of emergency issued by the governor. And just to top things off over there, the Big Island had a 5.4 magnitude shock just to top things off.
I was pleased to note that my own workplace has closed it’s operations on the Big Island for the day. It would, of course, be nice if we closed on Oahu as well, though at this point it’s totally unnecessary. Indeed there was not a trace of wind on the way to work this morning, though that doesn’t mean much – it could start up in flash.
I guess the only thing for sure is that I still have to do laundry today, hurricane or no.


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