Happy New Year!

It’s the beginning of a new year and I’ve been busy trying new software in hopes of improving my life, becoming way too cool for words, attracting the “right” people, and generally deluding myself that any of it will work. 🙂
The best news is that I was able to upgrade the blog software, WordPress, on my own while losing only one post (and that had more to do with deleting test posts than anything else). I even managed to upgrade the plug-ins. Wow!
Then, in an effort to learn to track my life, I’ve gotten started with Joe’s Goals, or more correctly, my own goals. It’s a great little site that allows you to set goals and track them. There’s nothing complex about it at all and I think that may be the key to actually using it. In the past everything I’ve tried has been too complex and took too much time. I didn’t seem time to actually accomplish my goals once I’d set up the tracking, not so with Joe!

Bob's Personal Score Badge

One of my goals is too actually add stuff to this blog more often!
I also hired a new personal assistant, Sandy, to manage all those appointments, reminders, that don’t really merit cluttering up my calendar and those that do. She communicates with me via email and SMS (and can do some other tricks as well). The best part about her is she isn’t asking for a paycheck.
Sandy - your free personal email assistant

Finally I also got started, again, with Backpack. It’s a great online organizer for stuff. Really. It is also very simple which is one of the attractions for me.
Backpack: Get Organized and Collaborate



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