Just a quick note to say that I ended up going with the MacJournal 5.01 update and putting off all the other ideas of spending money till later. I do have another plan to spend too much money, but I really, really have to give it a think.
Do you hate those times when there just isn’t a hotspot around and you actually need one? I do. Mostly I don’t need one, but when I do…
So I’m thinking of getting a wireless card, but I haven’t decided if that’s really the direction I want to go or not.
I will say I think the price for all the plans I’ve seen is way too much – given that unlimited data on my iPhone is $20 a month and I use that all the time. The plans I can see around Honolulu run from $50-60 depending on the carrier. Over the course of a year that’s going to be expensive. Like I said, I’ve got to give this one a think.