It’s just been one of those weekends. I was on the go from 7 A.M. till after 6:00 P.M. on Saturday, and then again from 9:00 A.M. till 6:30 P.M. or so today. That’s busier than my usual workday. That’s one reason I’m generally glad to get back to work on Monday – which, of course, I don’t have to do this Monday.
The big problem wasn’t just that I had a lot to do, but that my moped broke down. And I just had it tuned up too. It seems the engine seized. I don’t blame the guys at Cycle Imports for this one – I’d kind of abused the engine (accidentally, but abuse nonetheless). It’s time had come. Still it’s not fun to be sans transport.
The upshot is a new piston and cylinder set. It’s not cheap, though compared to a Harley or something it’s a drop in the bucket – thanks goodness.
Anyway that’s the way the cookie crumbles.