I’ve taken the first steps in moving a site and inquired whether what I want will be allowed on the host I propose to us. It should be interesting to say the least. I hope that I haven’t, by requesting services, accidentally started the process of shutting them off…
I can just hear an exec saying, “We allow what?! Shut ‘er down.”
Now I don’t really think that’s going to happen, but there are unintended consequences.
Here’s essentially what I want…
1. The ability to run a closed two-way mailing list.
2. The ability to check a pop account from a cgi-bin script running on the same system as the pop account.
3. [All the other stuff I currently have both here and on Netfirms.]
That’s pretty much it. So for the host this site is on, AN Hosting, does allow this (or at least doesn’t disallow it), but I’ll find out soon enough.
I’ve also gone ahead and proposed a move to the powers that be in the organization that owns the site I want to move. I got sneaky and set up a little mail list for them and used that to send out the proposal. With groups it’s often easier to apologize than it is to get permission in the first place. If that sounds familiar, it should:
“If it’s a good idea, go ahead and do it. It’s much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.”
Grace Murray Hopper (American Computer programmer and Inventor of COBOL, 1906-1992)
One might wish she’d asked for permission before inventing COBOL though. 🙂