
As I said, ARRGHHH…
It seems that whatever updates I installed yesterday on Fedora 8 broke the Sierra driver meaning that today I can’t connect the Toshiba using my USBConnect card. It’s not insurmountable of course, when I get home I fully expect I’ll be able to rectify the situation, but it is a bit annoying. Indeed I could probably fix it now downloading whatever I need from the computer I’m using at work to my pen drive, copying it over, and going from there. But they pay me to work and while I’ve a minute or two on break for this, I certainly don’t have the time to figure out all I need to do to get my broadband back up. [What I suspect I’ll need to do is look at one of my previous posts where I hope I left some instructions and links.]
Speaking of pen drives, all is not completely lost for things to do on break today. Last night I set up Damn Small Linux on my 2 Gb pen drive. It comes with QEMU which is supposed to make it possible to boot Linux inside Windows (I’m using XP) and guess what…it does!
Damn Small Linux image
It’s not the fastest thing around, but then my work computer isn’t exactly the fastest thing either. No matter, it works fast enough to be fun.


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