A new laptop was the verdict, on the house! Thanks to an excellent Apple Store employee, Bobby P. at the Ala Moana store, I have a new Macbook.
I’ve written before about how much I like my Macbook and about how big a lemon the particular one I had was. I have friends who haven’t had a lick of trouble with theirs and my desktop has had a lot less trouble so I’m not indicting the Macbook, just the one I had. In between trouble, it was great. Now it’s gone.
Not only did I get a new one, but I got the top of the line Macbook – black with a 250GB drive and 2.4Ghz processor. Sweet.
Bobby told me that he’d looked through my service record and came the conclusion that I should have my computer replaced with a new one. He went to his manager and said, “I want to give this guy a new computer.” Apparently the manager agreed because I got a phone call asking if it was okay to go ahead with the swap. Ummm…I had to think about that one for…uh…I don’t know, may be a half a second – just long enough for it to register on my cortex.
I hadn’t asked for a new one. I hadn’t even suggested it. Indeed I just said I hoped I could get it last another year. So I really, really, really wasn’t expecting this. I would have been happy with just a repair, even though it was going to take 7-10 days (my experience shows it be closer to 7 than 10).
Bobby, you are the the MAN! Apple, you are tops.
I’ve been recommending Apple, and this particular laptop, in spite of the troubles I’ve had so all I can say is, Apple come through!
I’m officially a