Now a bicycle?…

I think I’ve just about decided to buy another bicycle, this is my story.
I learned to ride here in Hawaii on a red Schwinn my father bought second hand. I guess I was a bit later than some kids, must have been in third grade. In any case then got a Stingray with the banana seat and all. It was cool but later got stolen, even though it was locked. Interestingly the police officer who investigated it brought a fingerprint kit in a paper bag. Someone had broken into his cruiser and stolen his briefcase. 🙂
I graduated to a 10-speed, I think we called them English racers at the time and I rode through high school, giving it all up after college.
It wasn’t till my late 20’s and early 30’s that I road again, this time I really got into it and even rode in a century ride, though to be honest I think I only did 50 miles. I had surgery the next day and that was pretty much the end of riding till…now?
Actually now that I think of it I did buy a bike about 10 years ago. I wanted hybrid road bike but got talked into a mountain bike which I hated and put away never to be ridden again. I keep thinking I should leave it outside to be stolen.
So what do I want now? It’s back to the hybrid. I want a bike for commuting. I’d love a European town bike, but they cost a pretty penny. Here’s one from the the Dutch Bike Co. Seattle.

I have a budget of less than $500 with lock and extras so I’m going to have to conservative and not go for the “best of the best” as I usually want to do (whether or not I can afford it). So I’m probably going to get something more like this KHS Green from Island Bike and Triathlon.



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