It’s just impossible to buy anything these days without ending buying more. I have the bike, now I need all those little things to make it more pleasant. This time it starts with a water bottle and a back rack suitable for panniers.
Next, of course, I’ll want the damn panniers. That may even have to happen today because I still need to go the grocery store. It’s just never ending. 🙂
So here I am drinking coffee while I wait for the shop to put the rack on my bike. They said they’d do it for free, but that probably means I should tip them something. It’s not what I expected – young guys doing it to get parts for their own hobby. Nope, it’s a bunch of guys a bit older than I am, certainly more grizzled (I only work with my hands in the sense that I type).
Still I’m going to need some tools. I’m thinking I can get a few of these things at Walmart, but frankly keeping the money here sounds better so I’ll probably just go back to McCully once I’ve gotten this part finished.
So they’ll probably do it right where I wouldn’t and for that I’m grateful. It’s that kind of day.