The title pretty much sums it up. Today I didn’t get a chance to ride, nor did I make one. Frankly I’ve felt awful all day. I think I may have a low grade something or other. I expect I’ll be fine as it’s not getting any worse, but it just sapped me today.
Tomorrow is another day I may not ride. I’ve got to see my eye doctor in the mornng and am undecided about how to get there. Generally I walk to the doctor and get a bus back, but since I’ve other things to do later I think I’ll take the moped to work and then home later. I’d like to get an inexpensive bike stand soon too so I can do some minor repairs and adjustments easily (or more correctly, more easily than they might otherwise be).
I need something like this:
The prices seem to go from about $60 to more than my bicycle costs so I’ve got to have a bit of an eye for it. We’ll see.