What happened to riding…?

Another day I didn’t manage to ride. What’s going on?
Well there is my natural disinclination to do anything new. That is, put simply, it’s hard to pick up new habits. There’s also my problem with the front shifter. And, here’s the real reason today, I slept in a few minutes and that always makes it difficult to get going…
I just found this site which has “4 Simple Steps to Start the Excercise Habit.” While I’m not specifically trying to ride for exercise, or at least not telling myself that it’s so, the basic concepts certainly apply….

  1. Set one easy, specific, measurable goal.
  2. Log it daily.
  3. Report to others.
  4. Add motivation as needed.

How have I done….

  1. My goal is very simple – to ride to and from work. It’s not very far, doesn’t take much time, and is generally pretty easy – so I think it fulfills the first direction.
  2. I am using Joe’s Goals to track it, when I can remember to use Joe’s Goals. 🙂
  3. Here I’ve dropped the ball. While I am blogging about it, I doubt anyone is actually expecting me to ride to work. Perhaps I can simulate it be having either Jott or Sandy query me daily.
  4. I’m not really sure what this one means for me, but I’m giving it some thought.

BTW – I picked the Zen habits site more or less as an example of what’s out there…you can also find sites with 10 steps to starting new habits. Four seems easier than ten, if I could find “one step” I’d probably prefer that too. 🙂


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