The lights I bought seem to work fine. How do I know? I haven’t been run over yet. Today I was up before sunrise and added an entire mile (wow – a whole mile Bob?) to my morning commute. It just seemed like the thing to do after getting my bike adjusted yesterday. It rides a lot better which makes me want to hop on all the more.
And, if I needed another reason (I don’t), it’s laundry day which means I won’t have time this afternoon to do more than ride home.
In other news, I need a new watch. The crystal on my $15 Casio is in bad shape. I’d love to wear an expensive watch, but I keep ruining the darn things so a $15 watch is just about right. 🙂 That might be the ticket – after laundry I might be able to make to Long’s Drugs and back before full dark. We’ll see.