Cool…I’ve found a path to work that is pleasant, safe, and takes just exactly the right amount of time. It’s a four mile meander through Makiki, Moiliili, part of Ala Wai park along the canal, then off to work. According to MapMyRide it’s almost exactly four miles and takes about half an hour given stop lights, general laziness, and the overwhelming desire not to be all sweaty when I get to work.
The best part of the ride is the short bit along the canal where I get to watch Waikiki waking up from exactly the right distance, close enough to see, far enough away not to have to deal with it.
The half hour thing is important. It’s long enough to feel I’ve had a bike ride, but not so long I get all dank and sweaty. In addition it gets me to work, provided I’ve left at 5:00 A.M. early enough that I can command my choice of spots on the bike rack. This is more important than it might seem because, being a big guy, my bike is big and I need room to move around it. If I came later, I’d still get it locked, but it would be a more difficult. As it is, I’m golden.
I should mention that yesterday on the way home I bought some other things for the bike, a portable pump, a new tube, tire levers, some lube, and a multi-tool. I’ve already used last to attach the first, so I know at least a few things work. Let’s hope I don’t actually need all of them.
And later today I expect I’ll be riding to my Aloha United Way volunteer gig and back. Not only will it be a “new” ride, I’ll get to use my “shopping bags” or Townie Baskets as well as I have some stuff to tote around. Indeed I may decide to tote a lot of stuff around, like my computer as well. Then I’d have a Townie Basket, a rack trunk, and a Euro Compact pannier as well.
The whole route is probably going to be this…
It’s pretty flat so there should be no problems actually riding it, my only real concern is the return trip as I also have to be somewhere this evening and I don’t want to be late.