Actually I guess I should have said, “almost day.” It’s still dark out, though the Sun was going to make an appearance pretty quickly. In any case everything cooperated this morning except the weather which was filled with light sprinkles – not enough for me to change my plans, but enough to make me extra careful on slippery pavement.
Today I had no flat. I also bolted down my seat just a wee bit higher than it had been and found it to be a quite an improvement. Stopping away from a curb is just a bit iffy, standing on tippy-toes and such, but my legs are more comfortable (though they weren’t bad before).
I rode the same morning ride as I did on 7/21…
More later!
And later I did my circuit around Kapiolani Park on my way home. This time I didn’t stop for coffee, but I did run into a friend and spent a few minutes talking. All in all it was good time. In the evening I rode off on an errand and added a few more miles. All in all it was a 21+ mile day – a weekday to boot! Someone even accused me of getting skinny – but they were only being polite because it isn’t happening yet (or maybe even ever).