Yesterday I went over the bridge and rode out to Sand Island itself. The ride cut through some very industrial areas though it’s not altogether unpleasant. The road is well maintained, though there is quite a bit of broken glass so it’s best to keep a weather eye out.
The park itself starts about a mile and half from the bridge, so it takes a bit longer to get there than one thinks it should, but it’s certainly pleasant once you get there. I rode to the end of the road, another mile or so, then cut back along the path paralleling the shore. The bunkers are a bit disconcerting, a reminder of WWII. It turns out, Sand Island was an internment camp during the war. Our own shameful little Guantanamo.
In any case it’s certainly worth a ride and I do plan on going back next weekend, perhaps with a lunch (breakfast really when I’m doing it) and a camera? We’ll see.
All in all I biked just over 50 miles this weekend, very evenly split between Saturday and Sunday. I’m not feeling any pain today so I guess I’m getting stronger. I’m not sure when I’ll do 50 miles in one day, but they time will come I’m sure. I do think I’m going to try around Diamond Head soon as that will open up the route out to Hawaii Kai. Here’s what I’d like to do someday (soon)…
Of course once I do, I’ll have to figure out something even longer. 🙂
In other news, E-sense’s Statrix WordPress Plugin is up on I’ve installed it here, naturally enough, and it confirms that I’m about the only person who visits. 🙂 I’m trying to figure out how to exclude myself from the stats, but while the option is there, I can’t seem to get it to work yet. In any case it looks very interesting and I’m going to keep it around! Thanks E-sense. So far so good. [Disclaimer: I have nothing whatsoever to do with the Statrix Plugin, I didn’t write it, name it, help with it, suggest it, or even know anything about it until a few days go. Actually I do have something to do with it…I use it. :-)]