Well it’s true. I didn’t bike to work today. I’m giving myself a day off for two reasons. One is that I have a lunch date at the Contemporary Museum and it’s up a big hill that in my current condition I have no hope of climbing in a reasonable amount of time while staying dry enough to be good company. The other reason is that over the last two days I’ve had just a wee bit of knee pain and thought it best not to inflame anything further.
Oddly I don’t think it was biking that started my recent problems with my knee. While I do have arthritis and have had surgeries, I was doing fine on the bike. It was walking with my camera equipment a few nights ago to photograph the night blooming cereus that started things. I was limping a bit after that and have not quite recovered. It wasn’t till the next day, on the bike, while riding out to Sand Island and back that I noted the twinge in my knee.
I’m hoping that yesterday’s very light day on the bike and no biking (or very limited biking) today will heal me up. Since it’s not very painful, definitely just a warning rather than the results of massive destruction, I expect I’ll be okay.
I found this post on The Bicycle Commuter Trials blog that got me thinking a bit about taking a break. I hope both our knees recover. Thankfully my knee seems a lot better than Pedro’s does, but then again, I’ve probably had more lifetime damage (no guarantees on that of course). Good luck big guy!