…tearing at this wheel of mine.
This morning I rode again after a one day break to rest my knee. Just after I left I discovered that my bike seemed to have the same wobble that it did when I was experiencing ripped sidewalls on the rear tire. I cut my ride shorts a bit, not just because of that, but also to spare my knee which felt a bit stiff and at one point did have a bit of pain (not bad, just a warning).
When I did get to work I discovered that, thankfully, my tire wasn’t ripping apart at the seems again. This time it seems the rear wheel is definitely out of true. I guess it’s time to get out the old…
I think the red one is the right size, but I’ll need to check. I’m afraid it’s been a while since I’ve done this, so I’ll probably screw it up, but…if I ask a pro…
Ken Kifer seems to have a decent page on truing wheels. I need to read it again, and again, but I could probably get the job done once I comprehend it.
Speaking of the incomprehensible, I can’t get the idea of bike touring out of my head. Granted it hasn’t been there all that long yet and I’ve yet to actually ride more than 20 miles at a pop, but the idea is really, really appealing to me.
I have also discovered that my sister Ulu’s place is only about 20 miles away which makes it an excellent distance for a ride. There and back again would be 40 miles over mostly flat terrain though I’ll admit I’m not overly happy with the traffice situation. I’d need a lot of water as it’s over the driest and hottest part of the island, but by timing things right, it shouldn’t really be a problem. Hmmm. If I plan for 3 hours out and 3 hours back (which is really way too much time as it will probably be much faster, even for me) I could easily spend most of a weekend day. It’s a thought.