I am so glad today is Monday and I can get back to work and relax a bit.
I like my job, but that’s not the only reason I’m glad to be back it. This weekend past was busy, busy, busy. I attended a two day assembly for an organization I belong to and whose website I manage. It really seemed I worked harder each day than I do at my “real” job. It’s not really true, but having to do something like that over a weekend sure makes one appreciate the weekdays.
I didn’t get much riding in. On Saturday I got up early and did coffee run before I got picked up at 7 am for the meetings. Sunday I didn’t ride at all, choosing to sleep in and only leave enough time for a shower and coffee before being picked up at 7 am again. “Sleeping in” doesn’t really sound right when one gets picked up at 7 am, but since I usually get up at 4 am, sleeping till 6 was a luxury.
The assembly was held out at Barbers Point Elementary School which seemed like a fine place, though of course there were no kids around being the weekend and all.
I wish I’d ridden my bike though.
Today I didn’t ride to work either. I have to take my moped in for a tune-up at 9 am and I couldn’t see my way fit to ride to work, ride home, take the bike in, walk home, ride back to work, ride home, walk to the shop and get the moped. Too confusing…I’m not even sure I wrote that down correctly.
I got a nice thank you email from a friend I rode with a bit on Friday though I probably don’t deserve it. I rode too fast and was unable to fix her flat tire (no spare tube in her size) so she is being especially gracious. Thanks!
That’s it for now. I do hope to get in an evening ride once I’ve got my moped back and all and then tomorrow it’s back to normal. Whew!