Timing is everything…

I rode to work this morning, but that was it – today was simply a commute, no extra anything. The reason?
As I was preparing to go this morning I heard rain outside and discovered that it was, indeed, raining quite hard in my neighborhood. That does not, of course, mean it was raining anywhere else – but I would have gotten soaked.

That splash of orange, yellow, and green near the crosshairs is what was coming down on me this morning. As you can see it’s pretty localized, but wet is still wet.
I waited it out, which if you are familiar with Honolulu weather didn’t take all that long. Just long enough to make it impossible to get a decent ride in and make it to work on time. On time is relative I guess, mostly it means early enough not to have to compete for space on the bike rack.
When I did leave, to what looked like clear skies no less, got caught in one little shower that seemed to sneak out of the mountains just for me. I got damp. Not wet mind you, simply damp.


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