
I wouldn’t have ridden my bike today if I’d remembered I have to be somewhere within minutes of leaving work. I did ride my bike though, so…
Cool. I’m actually glad. It’s really only a 20 minute ride (30 if I don’t sweat) so I should really have plenty of time. I just won’t be able to change before I go so the 30 minute option is probably called for here.
In better news, my Hennessy Hammock should be here tomorrow! Wow! I didn’t actually expect it that fast, but hey, maybe, just maybe I can go camping this weekend. Nah, it’s Labor Day and I suspect too late to get a permit. Ah well. Maybe I can at least set it up in a park and take a nap. That sounds good to me. 🙂
Perhaps I can do this…

photo taken in Florida Everglades by John Depa from Hennessy site
photo taken in Florida Everglades by John Depa from Hennessy site

Meanwhile, if you’ve decided you really are going to buy me a bike for Christmas, here’s another site that has a bike I’d love…Bike Friday. Being able to travel with a bike would be perfect!
Aloha! Bob


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