I wouldn’t have ridden my bike today if I’d remembered I have to be somewhere within minutes of leaving work. I did ride my bike though, so…
Cool. I’m actually glad. It’s really only a 20 minute ride (30 if I don’t sweat) so I should really have plenty of time. I just won’t be able to change before I go so the 30 minute option is probably called for here.
In better news, my Hennessy Hammock should be here tomorrow! Wow! I didn’t actually expect it that fast, but hey, maybe, just maybe I can go camping this weekend. Nah, it’s Labor Day and I suspect too late to get a permit. Ah well. Maybe I can at least set it up in a park and take a nap. That sounds good to me. 🙂
Perhaps I can do this…
Meanwhile, if you’ve decided you really are going to buy me a bike for Christmas, here’s another site that has a bike I’d love…Bike Friday. Being able to travel with a bike would be perfect!
Aloha! Bob