Not much sleep…

I didn’t sleep well last night, but I’m not going to blame it on the hammock which is very comfortable, far more so than sleeping on the ground. It wasn’t the occasional jet airliner. It was just me I’m afraid. No, it wasn’t the restless sleep of the guilty, unless I’ve suppressed something awful of course. It was just being in a new situation and such. I must have gotten some sleep though because I feel fine this morning. Go figure.
Here’s a bad picture of the sunset from last night…

I’m a little teed off about the camera as it has a large chunk of dust somewhere, perhaps on the filter above the sensor and that means I get an out of focus f’ing log in my photos at the right focal length. Sigh. That’s one reason I got a new camera. I may have to send it back. Damn, I hope I kept everything.
Time to save the battery again!


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