It’s that time of year again, RAGBRAI is just around the corner; ninety-one days away as I write this. By this time of year, I’m usually up to riding about seventy miles a week and getting ready to hit about one-hundred a week.
Only this year, I’m not.
Right now, I’m mostly staying in my apartment, working from home, and visiting the grocery as little as possible. I’m guessing you are doing the same if you are lucky enough to be working. I’m grateful that I’m working.
But I could be biking, right? Well yes. In truth, I’ve been incredibly lazy since my last significant day of riding, last Thanksgiving. I did a fair bit of traveling after the start of 2020. And this year, the weather wasn’t always welcoming. So I got lazy.
I traveled to Tucson for a conference at the beginning of March, just before the Coronavirus lockdown, and was all ready to start building up my legs and toughen my saddle, when disaster struck. Yes, COVID-19 arrived. And, well, we know that story.
But still, I could be biking, right?
The problem was I managed to kick the heck out of my coffee table, hitting the flat top part of my foot with the pointy corner. Ouch! I didn’t break the skin, but I must have broken something in there. The next three weeks were a problem. My foot swelled up, but raising it on a pillow kept it right-sized, mostly. I could walk, barely, but riding was a non-starter.
That lasted for about three weeks, each week a bit better than the last. Finally, last weekend I was able to hop on my bicycle and start riding.
I was quite surprised. All the years I’ve been doing this seems to have left at least a little residual strength. I’ve ridden my regular short routes of about ten to fifteen miles with light hills or at least wind and have had no problem with power or my wind. Yes, I’m a little slower than I was in the autumn, but I’m lazy anyway. It’s normal right now. I’ll be faster by July. Or will I?
I managed to ride about forty miles this week, which is my usual distance for the beginning of March. So yeah, I’m behind. But I’ll be fine. I’m headed out tomorrow for what I hope is a nice comfortable thirty-mile ride. That and a couple of fifteen during the week, and I’m back on my pace. That’s not the real problem.
The real problem is it would be insane to go to RAGBRAI in July with the Coronavirus Crisis still in full swing. I suppose I could stay far enough away from people on the road, and yes, I’ve been riding with a mask. That won’t keep all the droplets people shed off me, but between the sun, the cloth mask, the sweat, and the fact I don’t ride in peletons, I’d probably be okay. But what about standing in line for food? And what about using a tent someone else used the night before? No, it doesn’t sound like a real winner to me.
Plus, and here’s the kicker, RAGRAI 2020 will probably be canceled. At least, I hope it is. The decision is coming down on Monday, April 20th. And as much as I’d like to go, I’d wish they’d make the decision instead. Because if they don’t, I’ll have to decide and wonder if I did the right thing, no matter what I choose.
I guess we’ll find out on Monday.
Until I write again, stay safe, stay healthy, stay mindful. I’m trying to remember this:
And, oh yeah, remind me to tell you all about my meditation practice. It’s beneficial during times like these.