In which our protagonist attempts to resurrect Statrix for the umpteenth time.
It’s been quite a journey moving to Gcloud from my old host. It’s taken much longer than I expected and I may not be done yet. So far things have gone wrong at almost every turn but one; I had backups.
Yes, backups. That is something I learned long ago.
So yes, it’s been a struggle, admittedly a fun one, but a struggle.
- Decided to move.
- Created a new .org site and imported .com data to it.
- Destroyed old site.
- Oops.
- Then discovered that an update killed the new .org site.
- Oops.
- Changed tactics and created a new site with a prebuilt image.
- Perfect.
- Oops.
- The hardest part turns out to have been learning how to really use ssh keys. Once I had that in hand, I was off to the races.
- Where I lost several times.
- Turns out restore my backup on a new system sort of destroyed the new system..
- Oops.
- Finally figured I could auto-restore some bits, but the SQL’y bit needed to be moved by hand.
And, well, here we are.