I’m a big believer in modern medicine. Mind you, I do think there are a lot of things we can do to improve our health and avoid having to be treated. On the whole, however, I’m grateful for all the treatment I’ve had over the years. As this includes stuff like a hip replacement for a condition that alternatives couldn’t have fixed, I hope you see my point.
But that doesn’t mean I’m always happy about having to be treated.
I’ll be having cataract surgery on one of my eyes early in 2021. I looked it up and there are probably ten million cataract surgeries a year worldwide. This is not something out of the ordinary. This is a procedure that’s well researched, as safe as any surgery can be, and the results are excellent.
So why am I worried?
Well, it’s not a huge worry. I trust my doctor and have, at my age, a lot of friends who’ve had it done. But it’s still surgery. It’s still my eye. And we will still be in the middle of a pandemic when it happens. Sigh.
Not sure if this guy is a great O.D., but I really enjoyed his explanation!
I’m looking for a good video on the surgery itself…not sure I actually want to watch it though. See that first image!