Tomorrow, we make bone broth. This evening, I picked up some marrow bones, about four and a half pounds. They are a bit pricey, but this was a spur-of-the-moment decision. I am making some assumptions as well. The first is that the local sticker means the beef was locally raised. The second is that the 100% grass-fed information means they were grass-fed and grass-finished.

I don’t have any bones leftover from my regular meals as I tend to buy boneless beef. That may change as this would be unsustainable. But it’s an experiment for me.
Further, I won’t use veggies in the mix as I’m on a carnivore WOE (way of eating).
Tomorrow, I’ll roast these for a bit in my air fryer. Then, I’ll get to work with my Instant Pot.
My ultimate plan is to use the bone broth created with this to cook the chuck roast I have in the fridge.
Hopefully, I’ll have more about this tomorrow: success or failure.