Omigosh…so big…so not carnivore

I was chatting with a friend last night about what I used to look like at my heaviest and before my hip replacement (a direct result, imho, of metabolic abuse). I was very active and still am, but that just goes to show that getting a lot of exercise doesn’t necessarily qualify one as healthy. 

The shot on the right is from 2012, I probably weight 260 lbs. and had just finished bicycling down the Oregon coast over the course of a week. I would have that hip replacement a year and half later and go mostly low-carb. I’d lose that weight, then put most of it back on, while remaining mostly low-carb as my sensitivity increased and yes, I cheated from time to time. I did manage to keep my A1C in line thankfully.

The second shot is from a couple of months ago. I’m probably 185 in it, just as I am today. I’d been carnivore for almost a year at the time. And, while I’d had my knees replaced as the damage over the years was just too much, I’m still pretty darn active. 

I love the memory of that earlier picture, it was a wonderful trip. I really, really, really don’t care for how I felt back then or what I looked like. 

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