When you are waiting for the mail, it’s important to maintain your nutrition. It’s be a pure shame to have the mail arrive and not be able to do anything with it because you’ve neglected your metabolism.
That won’t happen here.
Yesterday, I went to Sam’s Club with the idea of getting a whole strip loin, as I did with my home aging project.
They didn’t have any in stock. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. It seems to be just the time of day.
But they did have a lot of already packaged NY Strip steaks and better, they were a dollar off their regular price per pound. To top off the deal, most of them looked really nice. I managed to score a couple of packs that were cut well and didn’t have a lot of sirloin mixed in.
But, as I said, it was time to eat.
Here’s the one I cooked just prior to cooking. I’ve coated it lightly in beef tallow and inserted my Ninja’s temperature probe. I put a ruler up next to the steak to show that this one is about an inch and a quarter thick. That’s pretty darn good for them.
And here’s the finished product.
It was delickous.