I’m quite sure it’s not a viral marketing ploy for niche market bikes, but now the Slow Bicycle Movement has it’s own website and the badge no longer seems to be an ad for a commercial site. Since I’m a very slow bker, and looking to get even slower once I can afford an Opa or somesuch, here we go!
Happy 5th of July…
It’s the fifth today and I did nothing. Well not quite nothing, but pretty close. I was going to ride my bike this morning, but never did. I did some research though and decided what I really need is a green light trigger, at least for my moped. Actually I don’t need a green light trigger, I need a Green Light Trigger™.
The newer one is on the left, the older version on the right. They don’t look that impressive, but they are supposed to work for, you guessed it, triggering green lights when you are driving something less massive than a car – like a bike (moped or human powered).
New glasses…
Well I ended up buying a new pair of glasses today. I got a pair of Burberry 2027 frames with Transitions lenses…
I really like the look of the frames, but quite frankly, the prescription is giving me a bit of headache. This has happened before when I’ve gotten new glasses as my eyes adjust to the new variables.
Now I have way too many frames – hmmm – next year new sunglasses?
When not in Rome…
I’ve a friend leaving for a month in Rome soon and I’ve been traveling with her vicariously in some ways. That is, I’ve gotten her a couple of books on Rome…
I haven’t read either, but my friend gave them good reviews, excellent in fact…
“…the 2 books on Rome were terrific!”
‘Nuff said.
But that’s not really my point today. Not at all.
I’ve discovered the lectures on iTunes U from various universities. Keeping with the Rome theme I found…
History 106B The Roman Empire from UC Berkeley and taught by Dr. Isabelle Pafford*.
History 106B – Spring 2008 – A history of Rome from Augustus to Constantine. The course surveys the struggles between the Roman emperors and the senatorial class, the relationship between civil and military government, the emergence of Christianity, and Roman literature as a reflection of social and intellectual life.
It’s a very basic survey of the material, but quite interesting. The instructor really seems to love the material and that shows through. She has another podcast out there on The Ancient Mediterranean World which I may work on when I’m done with this one.
From the course description of course on Ancient Mediterranean cultures…
*Isabelle Pafford holds MA degrees in both Classics and Museum Studies from San Francisco State University and she completed her Ph.D. at Berkeley. In addition to interest in the Greek historians, especially Herodotus, Dr. Pafford’s research focuses on the role of money in Greek sanctuaries. Dr. Pafford has been teaching at San Francisco State University since 2005.
What happened to riding…?
Another day I didn’t manage to ride. What’s going on?
Well there is my natural disinclination to do anything new. That is, put simply, it’s hard to pick up new habits. There’s also my problem with the front shifter. And, here’s the real reason today, I slept in a few minutes and that always makes it difficult to get going…
I just found this site which has “4 Simple Steps to Start the Excercise Habit.” While I’m not specifically trying to ride for exercise, or at least not telling myself that it’s so, the basic concepts certainly apply….
- Set one easy, specific, measurable goal.
- Log it daily.
- Report to others.
- Add motivation as needed.
How have I done….
- My goal is very simple – to ride to and from work. It’s not very far, doesn’t take much time, and is generally pretty easy – so I think it fulfills the first direction.
- I am using Joe’s Goals to track it, when I can remember to use Joe’s Goals. 🙂
- Here I’ve dropped the ball. While I am blogging about it, I doubt anyone is actually expecting me to ride to work. Perhaps I can simulate it be having either Jott or Sandy query me daily.
- I’m not really sure what this one means for me, but I’m giving it some thought.
BTW – I picked the Zen habits site more or less as an example of what’s out there…you can also find sites with 10 steps to starting new habits. Four seems easier than ten, if I could find “one step” I’d probably prefer that too. 🙂
Moby done…
Well not quite. I’ve been reading Moby Dick a page or two a day for the last 223 days. I’ve still got about 30 days to go and it’s been interesting.
I’ll confess I’d never read it before, though I think I tried once when I was college age. It’s been interesting and in part, quite good. I’ve never been a fan of a lot of “experimental” writing in novels and Melville uses quite a bit of technique in parts – stage directions, script-like passages, and the like. It’s really quite modern, or perhaps what I really means is many “modern” books may be quite antique. 🙂
In any case I’m enjoying it, but am definitely looking for the end when I will probably start in on another classic. I’m doing this reading through DailyLit which will happily send one any number of books via email, a page or two at a time. Check it out!
I can see for miles and miles…
I just can’t see well.
Actually the doctor said my vision hasn’t changed a bit since last year so I don’t need a new prescription. Most folks would consider this excellent news, and I do, but it does make getting new glasses less of an imperative, and I like new glasses.
Still this does leave me the option of getting one new pair I’ve been thinking about – one of those where the lens changes its shade based on how bright the surroundings are. I’ve been told they are no good by the folks who sell them, and the folks I know who have them love them – so there you go. 🙂
I think they are generally called Transitions® lenses after the first manufacturer, but technically it appears they are photochromic lenses.
In any case, I’ll have to figure it out later, I’ve got to run. 🙂
The eyes have it…
…but have less and less every year. 🙁
In a few minutes I’ll be off to the eye doctor to find out just how much worse my vision is this year compared to last year. I can’t really see much difference (ouch!), but I do notice that prescription of two years ago is harder to use than last years.
My vision took a nosedive around the age of 40, getting worse every year thereafter, though less so with each succeeding year.
I’m going to have to figure out what to buy this year – change the prescription on several pair, or get one new set of frames. Hmmm…always a problem. Perhaps something like this…
Aloha! Bob
Today I did not ride…
The title pretty much sums it up. Today I didn’t get a chance to ride, nor did I make one. Frankly I’ve felt awful all day. I think I may have a low grade something or other. I expect I’ll be fine as it’s not getting any worse, but it just sapped me today.
Tomorrow is another day I may not ride. I’ve got to see my eye doctor in the mornng and am undecided about how to get there. Generally I walk to the doctor and get a bus back, but since I’ve other things to do later I think I’ll take the moped to work and then home later. I’d like to get an inexpensive bike stand soon too so I can do some minor repairs and adjustments easily (or more correctly, more easily than they might otherwise be).
I need something like this:
The prices seem to go from about $60 to more than my bicycle costs so I’ve got to have a bit of an eye for it. We’ll see.