Backup laptop…

No, I don’t mean backing up the data on a laptop, which is an excellent idea on its own. In the my recent MacBook debacle I didn’t lose a thing. I use a variety of methods, .Mac, SuperDuper, and another webdav “drive” depending on what I’m doing and where I am. I generally don’t store data on a laptop and mostly use it (at least these days) for working my WordPress sites.
What I have discovered though, is that backed up data or not, I have no backup access. I love my iPhone and it’s great for a quick browse, but it’s not a tool for extended editing.
What to do?
I could, of course, by another MacBook and then trade them off much like a friend of mine who owns to Jaguars does. One, says he, is always in the shop. MacBook’s aren’t quite that bad, but with only one of ten days down before my MacBook gets returned I’m a little lost when I’m at coffee shops and such. [Is that a legitimate complaint or have I really lost touch with reality?] 🙂
I do wish Apple made a sub-sub-compact, something about the size of the ASUS Eee PC, but they went for the slim MacBook Air instead. The EEE PC is intrigues me though. It’s the right size and approximately the right price as a backup. In addition it runs Linux which I would much prefer to any Windows version. The problem is that I’m not sure there’s a driver for my Sierra 881u yet.

Sierra 881 USB

There are some unsupported instructions around, but I haven’t really read them through nor do I have a Linux box to test it on right now.
And then there’s the other little catch, I can’t really afford it now with a trip to icy Alaska coming up. 🙂
Still…if I could guarantee it would run the Sierra it would make a great “moped laptop” – assuming, of course, my moped continues to run. 🙁
Here are the specs:

ASUS Eee PC Specs


MacBook woes…

I was one of the first adopters of the 13″ Intel MacBook, getting mine in the first round back in 2006. For the most part it’s been a capable and enjoyable experience, except when it hasn’t.

Black MacBook

The first round was plagued with a heat sink problem that resulted in random shutdowns. Actually over a short period it wasn’t so much random downtime as it was random uptime. Unfortunately my local Apple Store didn’t have the parts and had to ship it off for repairs. When it came back in ten days it was fine, problem fixed.
Fast forward to August 2007. I was at a quarterly meeting over the weekend for the group whose website I now manage. I had been asked to turn in my qualifications to be webmaster (which, to be honest, was not a job I wanted, I’d volunteered because no one else had stepped up to the plate) and had subsequently been confirmed. I immediately did a demo of the direction I wanted to head in when . The hard drive simply died.
This time there was a replacement at the Apple Store and I was up and running a few minutes after htting the Genius Bar. Of course I’d lost all the data I had on the drive from the meeting. That is all I lost though as I do back up regularly. I did have to reinstall all my programs, but for the most part that was a good thing as I cleared out a lot stuff I simply didn’t use.
All was good until a few days ago. I’d installed Leopard shortly after it came out and had no major complaints with it. I headed off to the quarterly meeting for the very same organization as last time (we’d canceled our Fall meeting so this was the first since August and my hard drive problem). While at the meeting my MacBook started randomly shutting off, taking forever to boot, and sometimes simply locking up. On the way to the meeting I’d idly amused myself by remembering that at the last meeting my laptop and died, little suspecting it would do the same thing at this.
Back to the Apple Store. This time they wouldn’t even do a diagnosis. Because it has been repaired so much already, they simply sent it off for repair. Back in seven to ten days they tell me.
I’m a little miffed by all this. This is the third time I’ve had major problems in less than two years. Back around 1987 I had a Toshiba T1000 and never had a lick of trouble over the course of several years. Of course it didn’t have a hard drive, meaning the hard drive couldn’t fail, but it just ran and ran and ran, until the final battery wore out without a replacement being available anywhere. I loved that thing and wish I had it now. 🙂
So I’m sans laptop again which means I may not be updating things quite as often till it returns next week. I guess it’s time to start thinking about a replacement. The MacBook Air actually sort of reminds me of the T1000, at least if I spend far too much money and get it with the solid state drive instead of a mechanical drive. Of course if I get an Air I’ll officically become an horrible person!

Fantasy baseball…

To play or not to play…
With Pitchers and Catchers fast approaching, it’s time to start thinking about baseball again. Should I play fantasy again this year or not? Last year I had good run with my position players and really, really, really bad pitching. Indeed I think I came in last in my league because my pitchers couldn’t pitch their way out of paper bag. And who knew paper bags could be interesting…these guys I suspect.
In any case, it’s time to get a move on. I liked MLB’s league because it was weekly, not daily. I just don’t have time for that. The tradeoff is that your team can really go sour during the week with no hope in sight of fixing things till the weekend. Sigh.
In any, returning from a few weeks ago, here are some important dates…
February 14, 2008 1) {
print ” – “;
print $z;
print “
days left!!”;

First date injured players, pitchers and catchers may report to Spring Training
February 19, 2008 1) {
print ” – “;
print $z;
print “
days left!!”;

First date all players may report to Spring Training
February 26, 2008 1) {
print ” – “;
print $z;
print “
days left!!”;

Mandatory Spring Training reporting date for all players
March 25, 2008 1) {
print ” – “;
print $z;
print “
days left!!”;

Opening Day: Boston vs. Oakland in Tokyo


It’s been chilly and damp here in Honolulu for the last few days, it is, after all, Winter. So here I was feeling sorry for myself because I get wet and cold on my moped when I ran into a fellow last night who has it far worse. Or perhaps I should say would have it worse if were he at home – Barrow, Alaska – the northern most US community if I’m not mistaken.
Right now in according to the Weather Underground it’s:
Honolulu Current Weather PNG
Were I in Barrow it would be:
Barrow Current Weather PNG
I’m not going to complain about the weather here. However, I’m going to be in Alaska in March (though not in Barrow), then I am going to complain. Count on it.

Mailing lists continued…

Yippee! I’m a happy camper today. I was able to implement a Dada Mail list on my own host (AN Hosting) without any trouble at all. Okay, that’s a lie. Without much trouble. I did good on a couple of things, but they were easy to fix and things are running smoothly. Indeed right now it’s processing mail for the other host that can’t do it. I’m talking with my organization about moving the whole thing from where it is now to a “better” host (like AN Hosting). The only drawback, besides the amount of work involved, is the email thing. Folks have been using what they’ve been using for a little while and I hate to make ’em change, but there you go.
There is another host, recommended by the developed, Justin Simoni, called ThinkHost that has some benefits for Dada Mail users. Justin also has a list of others on this page, Dada Mail Friendly Hosts.

2-Way mailing lists and …

This weekend I was busy all weekend showing off the site I took over several months ago. Since I got it I went to town rewriting pages once to get rid of crud behind the scenes, once to increase functionality by adding menus, a better layout, and a touch of Ajax. Finally I moved the whole thing to WordPress set up as a CMS. Things were looking good. I got a lot of credit and some good suggestions for where to go in the future (along with, as one might imagine, some “other” suggestions).
The site supports about forty users any of whom might want changes, files added, statements updated, that sort of thing. Mostly they don’t want much so it’s not a big job keeping things up to date. The biggest problem we have is email. All forty folks have an email account on the domain, all are encouraged to use it and, frankly, it’s kind of a pain.
You see the host they chose, Netfirms, is a little bit tight when it comes to email. I don’t think forty people is a huge number, but we can’t address email to every member of the group. We have to send out the same email in blocks of ten addresses which, as you might images, is kind of a pain for the secretary of the group as well as anyone else trying to sent out notices.
Having had some experience with two way mailing lists over the years I decided this might be a great solution. I gave some thought to using forum software like phpBB or bbPress from the same folks who came up with WordPress but since I have a hard enough time getting folks to even check their email I decided that a full fledged forum might not be feasible at this time. If we send them a file and it shows up in their inbox they might actually use it, but if they have to log in on a forum, make sure they navigate to the right discussion, well…never mind.
So I took a look at the software I remembered for setting a two way mailing list, Listserv, majordomo, Listproc, Smartmail, GNU Mailman, etc. I figured this was a perfect solution for the problem. I’d create a closed list that only accepted mail from one of the forty and then passed on to the other thirty-nine. I finally found something that was free, would run on the host without too much trouble, and seemed easy enough to set up and manage that the next webmaster won’t be overwhelmed, Dada Mail.
In it’s native state Dada is a basically a one way mailer, but has a plugin to allow it go in both directions. It’s lightweight, configurable, easy to manage, and seemed like something I could throw up quickly.
Speaking of throwing up…
I’d noticed a week or two ago that I couldn’t get WordPress on Netfirms to allow me to add a blog entry by email. It failed to connect every time. I have no problems here at Statrix (AN Hosting) but didn’t give it much more thought because it’s not something I particularly care to do. Therein lies the rub.
To blog by mail, something somewhere has to check the mail, retrieve the posts, and generally do the behind the scenes work. The failure on Netfirms should have tipped me off about a future mailing list, but I’m going to plead stupidity. The reason WP failed is because Netfirms will not allow programs or scripts on their host to access mail accounts for security reasons. They will allow to send lots and lots of mail from a script using their sendmail, but I can’t check the incoming mail from the account itself. That’s why WP failed and why Dada wouldn’t work either. Both require the ability to check an inbox, grab the mail, and do something with it – WP puts in the blog, Dada redistributes.
Darn! That pretty much puts a crimp in my style. No two way mailing list on Netfirms.
Ultimately much choices seem to boil down to…
1. Use Dada as a one way list and teach everyone to use the web interface to send mail to everyone on the list. I hate this idea. As I said, my users have enough trouble being convinced to check their email, this just adds needless complexity to their lives. Sending email to “” isn’t a problem, but using yet another interface to do so is.
2. Set up a Google or Yahoo group. I’m pretty sure I could use these as mailers for the group, provided everyone opts in, everyone makes sure they set their status to receive each bit of mail, and no one minds that the domain we pay for has nothing to do with it. This isn’t going to fly either I suspect.
3. Set up the mailing list bit on another server that can check mail (like AN Hosting) and have it do the work. I could even redirect the “” mail to “everyone@yyy.yyy” so folks wouldn’t have to remember extra domain names. The problem with this is that now we are paying for two hosts or we have to use my account which isn’t a problem, at least until I rotate out of service and pass along the job. That is going to happen. Period. So…no go, at least not in the long term though in the short term I’m at least going to verify it works.
4. Move to a different host. I love and hate this idea. I love it because it would allow me to put all my eggs in one basket on a host that works and does what I want. I hate it because it would mean moving all those email accounts to another system that probably doesn’t have the same webmail interface. At least the domain would remain the same, but training everyone to use a different webmailer when they already seem reluctant to use the one they have…well…it’s going to be a problem no matter what.
The moral of this story is, when you decide to pick a host, find out what they can do, what they allow, and what they don’t.

Broadband II…

Now that the damage has been done, my wallet tapped, my future signed away, I can complain a wee bit about wireless store employees. They don’t really seem to know much. Oh they can pull up YouTube on an iPhone, or show you how to take a picture with the crappy little camera on whatever model you happen to be purchasing, but in general, they don’t seem to be able to deal with, oh I don’t know, say a Mac. 🙂
Last night when I purchased my little 881 (okay, not really “little”)…

Sierra 881u

…we couldn’t get it to connect while I was at the store. The “computer guy” wasn’t there so my salesperson was a bit helpless. First he tried to install software from an .exe file to my Mac. Nice try but I wasn’t using my XP partition at the time (which reminds me, need to try that). I finally asked if I could do it and he seemed bit reluctant but you could tell he was getting frustrated. He finally told me to go download the software myself at home. He said it nicely, but you could tell he was glad to get rid of me.
Here’s the thing…when I got home I realized what had happened. Whenever I have gotten a phone I’ve had to activate it by going through a bunch of menus over the phone. You’ve been there – press 1 to sign away your rights, press 2 to give us your future earnings, etc., etc. I realized we’d never done this at the store. Since my wireless “card” isn’t a phone (though it sort of is), he’d forgotten that part.
I did it from home and 20 minutes later I’m up. I’m tempted to go back and rub it in, but that’d just be a waste of my time and impolite to boot.
In any case I’m up, happy and poorer.
I should also mention that using the Rioplex Broadband Test I came up with these numbers this morning.

Your current bandwidth reading is:
1.39 Mbps
which means you can download at 177.99 KB/sec. from our servers.


3G Broadband…

No moped yet and since I can’t afford to get it repaired (well not “really” repaired) until I get back my taxes (which means I have to file them), I decided to indebt myself even further by investing (?) in a broadband card.
I realize this seems a bit silly as there a lot of Wi-Fi hotspots around town and since I hang out in coffee shops I never seem far from a connection. True and I hope that trend continues. The unfortunate thing is that when I really, really, really want a connection to demo something (like the website I take care of for others) I can’t get a connection.
This weekend I’ll be in a local district park building and there’s no guarantee there’ll be a hotspot. I need to be able to show off the website, so…
I figure it costs less per month than smoking cigarettes did, so…I guess I can run radio waves through my brain instead of smoke through my lungs. Seems like a fair trade. Which reminds me, it’s been a year now since I quit smoking.
In any case, the broadband card I have is the AT&T Sierra 881u (USB) which I just tested at 1995 kbps down, 1045 up. Not too shabby. I used to use a 300 baud modem (am I dating myself or what?) so it’s speedy enough for what I do.
That’s it for tonight – tomorrow I’ll bring the whole mess to work where I’ve never actually be able to connect my laptop because there’s no Wi-Fi. This way I can do stuff on my computer our proxy servers disallow. Since I won’t be connected through their network I can’t cause them grief. This may be worth it after all. 🙂

Moped update…

Darn, darn, darn.
That pretty much sums up my feelings about the whole moped situation. Being about the least mechanical person in the world there’s not much I can do but find some mechanics I can trust and trust ’em. That I have and what they tell is … darn, darn, darn.
My engine seized on Saturday and I’d hoped I could get my moped back on Monday. No such luck. Today I learned it’s worse than anyone thought.
I put a lot of miles on the ‘ped and I’m not exactly the smallest guy in the world so there’s some wear and tear on the parts.
The upshot is that the crank shaft (?) is worn and my choices are:

  1. Put the engine back together with enough work to get it running. However this may only last a day, a week, a month, or…??? Cost: $100-$150
  2. Rebuild the engine replacing the shaft and the cylinder and piston. Cost: $550-$600
  3. Get a new engine that’s stronger, faster, better. Cost: $850-$900.
  4. The problem is, of course, I don’t have $550-$900 at the moment. I’ve got a trip coming up that I need my spare cash for and with my most recent paycheck I’ve prepaid most of my bills with more than minimum payments. Damn…oops, I mean darn.
    The final two options also mean I wouldn’t have the bike back for a week or two. The first option means I may not have it in a week or two.
    As you might imagine I’m not the happiest camper in the world, though I’ll admit as far as problems go it’s not major. If need to do more walking anyway. 🙂